Has anyone read 'We Need To Talk About Kevin' By Lionel Shriver? A book written from the prospective of a killer's mother, Eva. The Killer being Kevin, a teenage boy who displays little to no affection or moral responsibility towards his family or community, commonly distancing himself from people to avoid attachments.
I am not a big reader, but treasure the summer moments, by the sea or pool where you can delve into a book and actually have time to fully immerse yourself within it. 'We Need To Talk About Kevin' was a funny one for me, I took 2 weeks to reach a mere half way through the book and found it hard, dragging and non enjoyable......as usual since I have been home it has sat by my bed and I have no inclination to pick it back up. However, I have found that I cannot stop talking to people and thinking and analysing the book.It is based primarily around the idea of nature and nurture. The mother Eva does not want her baby from the moment it is conceived, and the book starts to look at whether it is, in fact this maternal hatred, rather than innate evil, which makes Kevin begin to closely resemble something of a sociopath.
Maybe I should go and pick it up again......
Read it and loved it, quite a while ago actually. The story line has you painfully reading on. Really feeling the frustration of the mother, attempting to show the father Kevin's true side. But him only seeing the good in Kevin. Karma truly does not exist in this!